spotlight search iphone 3g

My solution to a fast iPhone 3G running iOS 4.2.1 WITH multiasking.
Jun 22, 2009. This Friday, I was one of the million people to get a new iPhone 3GS.. Apple hopes that the new iPhone Spotlight search feature will ease the.
Dec 10, 2012. Tried searching this forum cause same issue happened to me. What i did was i connected to wifi or 3G to access my mail. Spotlight worked but.
Jul 29, 2010. If you're still a loyal iPhone 3G owner and upgraded to iOS 4, you've probably noticed one major new thing: slowness. You can downgrade to.
Jul 5, 2010. Title says it all - iPhone 3G apparently has trouble keeping up with indexing, ever since 3.x. Two days ago, I turned off Spotlight search.
Tip: How to Make Your iPhone 3G Faster on iOS 4.
whited00r 6 iPhone 3G Spotlight Search Not Working?
Daily Tip: How to remove Spotlight search from your iPhone or iPad.
Jun 22, 2009. This Friday, I was one of the million people to get a new iPhone 3GS.. Apple hopes that the new iPhone Spotlight search feature will ease the.
How to Search with Spotlight on the Apple iPhone 3G « Smartphones.
Spotlight search on the new iPhone 3GS -
Text messages don't actually get deleted: Apple Support Communities.
Turn off Spotlight Search Options for a happier iPhone 3G - IntoMobile.